Fraser Woollard, SVP of Business Development at Mediaocean, confirmed as 2022 Media Ad Sales Summit speaker

Matrix Solutions is excited to announce that Fraser Woollard, SVP of Business Development at Mediaocean, is a confirmed speaker at the upcoming Media Ad Sales Summit, taking place this January 2022.

Fraser will be speaking in the Ad Sales Automation & AI panel on Thursday, January 20th. This panel will discuss the TV industry’s march towards automating ad processes and improving transactional efficiencies (which is fueled by an increasingly complicated and sophisticated set of digitally-infused workflows,  and the promise of breakthrough technologies like AI and blockchain). Just how quickly and advantageously depends on who you ask –- as this panel will debate.Fraser-Woollard-2

Fraser has over 20 years of experience in the media business development and management sector. We are excited to hear his insights and have him join us at this unique event!

About the Media Ad Sales Summit

The Media Ad Sales Summit is an annual event hosted by Matrix Solutions, where media industry leaders come together to discuss all things media and technology, and what the future looks like. To register, view the agenda, or get more information on the Media Ad Sales Summit, visit

Tags: ad sales, Media Ad Sales Summit, Fraser Woollard, AI, SummitSpotlight