Matrix Blog

2017 Media Sales Symposium Flashback: Local Media Advertising Trends with Gordon Borrell

Written by Dan Tallarico | September 25, 2017



This video is from a session at the 2017 Media Sales Symposium about local media advertising trends. As we ramp up for the 2018 Media Sales Symposium, we will be highlighting panels, sessions, and speakers from last year's event. You can find more information on the 2018 Media Sales Symposium in San Francisco here

Gordon Borrell gives a rousing presentation on the future of local advertising. What kind of advertising is on the rise? Where does digital impact things? How does social play a substantial role in the environment? How can a media company prepare for the future of advertising?
Gordon answers all these questions and more in this session from the 2017 Media Sales Symposium.

Takeaways from Gordon's Talk

  • Local ad growth is expected to grow 7.6%, but you can expect non-digital to decline while digital increases by a significant percent.
  • Find out exactly why advertisers are moving towards digital and how you can position yourself to take advantage of those opportunities. 
  • Advertisers are looking for sophisticated, intelligent media companies to help them leverage the digital landscape. Are you doing enough to be that expert? 

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