Matrix Blog

Case Study: The Evolution From AE Resistance to Matrix Mega Fan

Written by Team Matrix | May 29, 2019

The Matrix Solutions media-specific ad sales platform, Monarch, empowers sales teams to sell smarter, faster, and more efficiently! In this case study, you will see how the implementation of the Monarch platform gave the Account Executives and Management at Townsquare Media (TSM) in Augusta, ME a clear view of their business, allowing them to gain more time and be more productive. They easily acclimated to the platform and were able to gather more data with less reports, making their sales process more efficient and successful.

Continue reading to see for yourself, the success of the Monarch platform!

Case Study: The Evolution of AE Resistance to Matrix Mega Fan
Prior to adopting Matrix Solutions’ media-specific ad sales platform, Monarch, the Townsquare Media (TSM) team in Augusta, ME relied on spreadsheets for weekly planning and pipeline management. Dawn Nichols, an AE for TSM with 20+ years’ experience, saw filling these spreadsheets out as a time-consuming and daunting task resulting in inaccurate and outdated information. In an effort to advance their workflow, TSM introduced a new software solution to replace their spreadsheet usage, however proper adoption of this new system was a non-starter from the get-go. It was not user-friendly, hard to navigate, and became more of a burden that wasted time, proving itself useless. Not giving up on technology just yet, TSM introduced Monarch, which was immediately met with hesitation as many of the employees disliked change and had just experienced the failure of a new solution that was supposed to be the ‘next best thing’.
TSM Augusta needed a solution that would not only be embraced by Managers, but that AEs could firmly grasp onto and utilize in a way that would save them time and enable them to sell more. In other words, it needed to be highly intuitive, easily implemented, and deliver results that proved valuable to the AEs – giving them something to believe in...